City of Jacksonville

Studies and Reports
20 is Plenty: Residential Speed Limit Reduction Study (2024)
  • The City of Jacksonville is committed to ensuring our community is safe and enjoyable for our children, families, and community members. One way we’re working towards a safer city is our 20 is Plenty program, centered on the idea that a speed limit of 20 mph is appropriate for local, residential streets. The purpose of the program is to increase the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles on local streets. Visit the 20 is Plenty website to learn more.
Resilient Jacksonville (2023)
  • Resilient Jacksonville looks to the future of our city for the next 50 years and provides a roadmap for adapting to a changing climate, accommodating a growing population, guiding new urban development, and planning for uncertain shocks and stressors. Visit the Resilient Jacksonville website to learn more.
Strategic Neighborhood Action Program for Pedestrians (SNAPP): Phoenix Neighborhood Walk Audit (2018)
  • SNAPP was developed as a part of The City of Jacksonville's Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (2017) with the goal of creating a continuous network of sidewalks on both sides of the streets in residential neighborhoods, which is a critical element in creating a safe and comfortable environment for pedestrians. The Phoenix neighborhood was chosen for a walk audit because it is a disadvantaged community that faces higher social and economic challenges when compared to Jacksonville as a whole and community members have expressed a desire for pedestrian and sidewalk improvements.

The following are studies conducted in partnership with the North Florida Transportation Organization (NFTPO):

Moncrief Road Corridor Study (2024)
  • The North Florida TPO teamed up with the City of Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Transportation Authority to study the Moncrief Road corridor. The study aimed to identify and address access management issues and find ways to improve safety and overall performance for all road users. The goal was to develop detailed plans that could be used to secure funding and initiate improvement implementation.
Sunbeam Road Corridor Study (2024)
  • The Sunbeam Road Corridor Study analyzed a 2.4-mile stretch from San Jose Boulevard to Philips Highway to identify safety and operational improvements. By examining crash data, pedestrian and cyclist needs, traffic congestion, and future traffic projections, the study aimed to find solutions to improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance safety along the corridor. The study also considered existing and planned projects to develop a comprehensive improvement plan.
Rogero Road Corridor Study (2023)
  • The North Florida TPO and the City of Jacksonville are working together to make Jacksonville more walkable and bike-friendly. The Rogero Road Corridor Study is part of this effort and aims to identify improvements to make the road safer and more accessible for pedestrians and cyclists.
Myrtle Avenue Corridor Study (2022)
  • The North Florida TPO and the City of Jacksonville conducted a study on Myrtle Avenue to improve walking and biking conditions. The study aimed to build on previous plans and identify ways to make Myrtle Avenue safer and more enjoyable for pedestrians and cyclists.
8th Street Corridor Study (2022)
  • The North Florida TPO and the City of Jacksonville collaborated on a study of the 8th Street corridor. The goal was to improve walking and biking conditions by building on previous planning efforts and identifying necessary improvements to create a safer and more enjoyable experience for pedestrians and cyclists.
Hodges Boulevard Traffic Study (2021)
  • Duval County has experienced significant population growth over the past two decades, leading to increased traffic congestion. This study focused on the Hodges Boulevard corridor to identify safety and operational improvements. By analyzing traffic patterns, crash data, and pedestrian/cyclist needs, the study aims to find solutions to alleviate congestion and improve travel times for the next 25 years.
Parental Home Road Corridor Study (2021)
  • The North Florida TPO conducted a study of Parental Home Road to improve safety and traffic flow. In partnership with the City of Jacksonville and FDOT, the study analyzed the road and developed recommendations to align with the city's transportation master plan. The report outlines these recommendations to guide future improvements.
Chaffee Road Corridor Study (2020)
  • The North Florida TPO conducted a study on the Chaffee Road Corridor in Jacksonville to identify and recommend transportation improvements. The study, done in partnership with the City of Jacksonville and FDOT, aimed to align with the city's transportation master plan. The report outlines the findings of the study and proposes solutions to enhance the corridor, laying the groundwork for future projects.
Monument Road Traffic Study (2020)
  • The North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (North Florida TPO) partnered with the City of Jacksonville (COJ) and coordinated with the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) to conduct the Moncrief Road Corridor Study. The Study aimed to identify and analyze existing access management issues and to identify and analyze feasible strategies to improve the corridor's safety and performance for all users. Study results and documentation were intended to provide the necessary detail for exploring grant funding opportunities or initiating the project's first phase.