Can I make a payment over the phone or online?
No, the Tax Collector office does not take payments over the phone or online.
You may drop-off your payment at the Duval Tax Collector Office located at the Ed Ball Building, 214 N Hogan Street, on the second floor OR mail a check to:
Duval Tax Collector
Edward Ball Building
214 North Hogan Street
Suite 212
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Once the Tax Collector has processed the payment, email a copy of the receipt to expedite the process.
What is Mobility?
Mobility includes all Modes of Transportation: Vehicular (cars and trucks), Transit (bus), Bicycle and Pedestrian.
- Mobility Strategy Plan – Refers to the document, which describes the background and land use and transportation strategies of, and rationale behind, the City’s Mobility System. The document is adopted by reference, and is consistent with the 2045 Comprehensive Plan.
- Mobility System – A process for calculating and collecting a fee from landowner’s or developer’s for a specified development; and for applying this fee to motorized and non-motorized transportation projects to mitigate the effects of increased transportation demand due to growth.
COJ Mobility Fee System:
- Mobility Fees are a type of impact fee used to mitigate the transportation impacts of new development. For purposes of this fee, “new development” also includes the renovation or conversion of an existing use, or the expansion of an existing use if there will be an increase in the amount of traffic generated.
- By Florida state law, Mobility Fees cannot be used to solve existing traffic, transportation or operational deficiencies.
- The Mobility Fee is a “Pay & Go” system. No development is denied approval due to transportation capacity.
- Applicants must pay their Mobility Fee to obtain vertical construction permits.
Mobility Fee Estimator:
The Mobility Fee Calculator is provided for applicants for Mobility to obtain an informal and non-binding Mobility Fee Calculation to assist in preliminary project due diligence. A formal application is required to obtain a certified fee amount and a calculation certificate from which payment can be made. Payments may be made in person or by mail at the Duval Tax Collector’s Office in the Ed Ball Building. Please note: The Tax Collector’s Office does NOT take payments over the phone at this time. Click here to access the Mobility Fee Calculator.
Are there exemptions from the Mobility Fee?
Yes, Section 655.109 Ordinance Code, provides a list of all developments or development activities that are exempt from CMMS review and the payment of Mobility fees.
What types of uses are "de minimis"?
Uses deemed to have a de minimis impact are not subject to a mobility fee or review, pursuant to Section 655.108 Ordinance Code.
What is a Mobility Zone?
A Mobility Zone is a defined geographic area, as depicted in the Transportation and Capital Improvements Element of the 2045 Comprehensive Plan, within each Development Area. The size of each Mobility Zone is determined based upon the average length of a vehicle trip within the underlying Development Area and the boundaries of each Zone take into account physical constraints such as the St. Johns River. There are ten (10) mobility zones in the City of Jacksonville. To view, click here to access the JaxGIS map and select "Mobility Zones" under the "Transportation" layer.
What is a Development Area?
A Development Area is an area depicted on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) series which controls density, development characteristics, and other planning variables. The City is organized by five (5) tiers of Development Areas, including: the Central Business District (CBD), the Urban Priority Area (UPA), the Urban Area (UA), the Suburban Area (SA), and the Rural Area (RA). To view, click here to access the JaxGIS map and select "Development Areas" under the "Land Use - Zoning" layer.