Notices of Public Hearings for Proposed Land Use Changes
Requests to amend the Future Land Use Map of the 2045 Comprehensive Plan have been filed with the City of Jacksonville Planning and Development Department. Information for each application is provided below.
Small Scale Land Use Amendment Applications
Large Scale Land Use Amendment Applications
Conceptual Master Plan, Estuary LLC
Text Amendments to the 2045 Comprehensive Plan
Ordinance 2024-969 Large-Scale Text Amendment
Ordinance 2024-916 BP and LI Land Use Category Changes
Ordinance 2024-868 Large-Scale Text Amendment
Ordinance 2024-617 Large-Scale Text Amendment
Ordinance 2024-516 EAR Based Text Amendment
Ordinance 2024-517 CHHA Map
2045 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Category Descriptions
2045 Comprehensive Plan Relational Listing of Land Use Categories and Zoning Districts
Copies of the applications and Department reports are maintained by the Department and the City Council Division of Legislative Services and are open to public inspection.
All interested persons wishing to submit testimony, written comments or other evidence in this matter should submit same to the City Council Division of Legislative Services and/or appear at the public hearing.
Citizen input may be submitted to the Department prior to the recommendation of the Staff Report. Additional opportunities for citizen input are available at the public hearings. Such input is encouraged.
Applicants are required to post and maintain signs at intervals of approximately 200 feet along all street sides of land in full view of the public or, if there is no frontage on a public street, on the nearest street right-of-way with a notation indicating the direction and distance to the property subject to the application, within 15 working days after an application has been determined complete by the Department. If signs are not posted, citizens are requested to notify the Department.
Additional information about the applications is available by calling the Department at 904-255-7800.
Legal Information Related to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendment Process
Criteria upon Which FLUM Amendment is Evaluated and Council Decision Based
Legislative versus Quasi-judicial Functions of Local Government
Burden of Proof; Evidence and Testimony