City of Jacksonville

City of Jacksonville Safe Routes to School
The City of Jacksonville is committed to making active transportation to and from schools safer for all students in grades K-12, including those with special needs. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects and programs are intended to increase the number of students that commute to school by foot, wheelchair, or bicycle, by eliminating infrastructure barriers and improving the overall safety. Benefits of SRTS efforts include improved student health, less traffic congestion, reduced crashes for vulnerable roadway users, and improved air quality in the vicinity of schools.
The City’s SRTS web page will be updated regularly to share SRTS plans and reports, training resources, upcoming events, educational materials, and more!

Walk to School Day is Wednesday, May 7th, 2025:
Join students and teachers around the world to celebrate the benefits of walking and bicycling to school safely!

"BE SAFE. BE SEEN" Partnership with Duval County Public Schools
Duval County Public Schools are collaborating with multiple community partners, including the City of Jacksonville, to make our streets safer for children that walk and ride bicycles. This exciting partnership catalyzed a campaign called “Be Safe. Be Seen." Read more about the inititiave HERE

Two students ride bicycles across a crosswalk behind a school bus