City of Jacksonville

Services Provided

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Florida Building Code 8th Edition (2023)
The Effective Date for the Florida Building Code 8th Edition (2023) is December 31, 2023.
Scheduling Inspections?
This is the link to the Building Inspection Division’s Online permit and inspection system,
Or you can call 904-255-8500 to schedule an inspection on work days from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Still Faxing NOC's?
We have implemented a new email address for submitting certain documents to the Building Inspection Division.  This address will be monitored continually during normal working hours. 

Violation or Permit Record Search
Building Inspection Division Online Property Search can be used to obtain and print the information about building code violations, COs and research permit details. Use the "Guest Sign In" and "Search for" (Top Left) Property by Address. The address number is your link to the permits or Building code enforcement details. The permit number is your link to permit details. The CV tab is complaint/violation. Note; if you are not able to print the CO it was most likely generated from our old computer system.

You may email our Archives section at

You should also contact the officer of the day at the Regulatory Compliance Department, Municipal Code Compliance Division at 904-255-7000 to inquire about active Property Safety Issues and to inquire about abatement liens. A due-diligent check should also include our local utility company JEA 904-665-6000 to see if there are any utility holds in place.
Keep up to date with BULLETINS!
Register to receive all new bulletins through e-mail so that you will keep up with the latest changes and information from the city of Jacksonville Building Inspections Division.

Witnessed Unlicensed Construction Activity?

Report Unlicensed Activity to the DBPR!

Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation
     DBPR Hotline: (866) 532-1440 
Raina Reagan, Regional Program Administrator
     Department of Business & Professional Regulation
     4161 Carmichael Avenue, 3300 Buidling Ste 254 A
     Jacksonville, FL 32207
     Office: (904) 723-5850
     Fax:  (904) 727-5596

Jared Spong, Investigator Supervisor
     Department of Business & Professional Regulation
     4161 Carmichael Avenue, 3300 Buidling Ste 254 A
     Jacksonville, FL 32207
     Office: (904) 723-5846
     Fax:  (904) 727-5596




JEA Incentive Programs

Residential and Commercial Rebates can be found at under the "Ways to Save" tab or by clicking the links below.

Home Energy Evaluation Kits can be found at the Jacksonville Public Library.

Building Energy Raters are State Certified in Florida (and in other states). By Florida Statute (§ 553.990), only those individuals certified by the State are allowed to provide Energy Rating services in Florida. The search engine below will find Certified EnergyGauge Raters.