Maternal and Child Health
Many have the responsibility to watch over the new life they bring into the world. Not only do mothers have to focus on their own health but they must also be aware of the needs of their child. In order to make sure babies have a fighting chance, we must also be attentive to the health of the mother.

Prenatal Care

It is important for a mother to have regular visits to the doctor while pregnant. Doctors must be easily affordable and accessible for mothers to better help keep both them and their child healthy. Some mothers may find it harder to access a doctor, whether it be due to work-related issues, ease of access, or the associated costs. All these factors stand in the way for a mother to get the care that she needs.

Accessible Care During First Trimester

Source: Births to Mothers Initiating Prenatal Care in the 1st Trimester - FL Health CHARTS - Florida Department of Health | CHARTS

Infant Care

Between 2021 and 2022, Jacksonville has seen a 1.5 rate increase in infant mortality. To decrease these rates, we must make sure that all mothers have access to the care and resources they need. We also must be aware of the conditions to which a child is subjected, whether it be diet choices, substances, or other outlying factors. By providing resources and educational opportunities, we will be able to see a change in these numbers. No family should have to suffer the loss of a child.

Infant Mortality Rate

Source: Infant Mortality (Aged 0-364 Days) - Report by Month - FL Health CHARTS - Florida Department of Health | CHARTS 

Watching Over Our Mothers

While Jacksonville’s maternal death rate is lower than the national average, there still remains a cause for concern, particularly among Black and Hispanic mothers who experience disproportionately higher rates of maternal death. Factors such as poverty, housing instability, food insecurity, and lack of access to education and employment opportunities can impact maternal health outcomes. With an increase in resources and support systems we can work to reduce maternal mortality rates.

Maternal Mortality Rate

Source: Maternal Deaths - Report by Month - FL Health CHARTS - Florida Department of Health | CHARTS