City of Jacksonville

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Tree Program Information

The City of Jacksonville created the Jacksonville Tree Commission in July 2017 to expedite the tree planting process across Duval County. The commission oversees the replacement of trees lost or destroyed due to development, natural disasters, and other causes.
The City’s tree mitigation fees created an ample fund to support new tree plantings ($21 million as of Feb. 8, 2018). The commission directs the funds into four programs that not only allow the City to maintain existing trees on public property, but allow residents, city agents, public agencies, and community organizations to initiate planting of new trees on public property throughout Duval County.
Among the programs:
  • Remove/Replace – Removes damaged, diseased, or dead trees on public property and replaces them.
  • 630-CITY – Allows adjacent property owners to request the commission oversee planting of new trees on public rights-of-way.
  • Level-2 Tree Planting Program – Responds to requests from individuals or organizations, public or private, to plant trees on public property.
  • Level-3 Tree Planting Program – Provides grants to local and not-for-profit organizations for the design, management, and implementation of tree planting projects on publicly owned land.
  • Legislation Program – Allows stakeholders to present tree planting project proposals to City Council. This program predates – and was effectively replaced by – the Level-2 Tree Planting Program.