City of Jacksonville Our Story:
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Every Person Has Their Own Story To Tell
Every person has their own story to tell and their own struggles.
Though some of these chapters may overlap with
one another each person has their own tale to tell.
It is our job It is our job as a community to help each other in writing
our stories and giving everyone an equal chance
to live a healthy life and continue their journey.
Together lets combine the chapters
of our stories to make Jacksonville a
tale of triumph and success and 
one of tragedy.
Together To learn how to improve the
future we must look to the past.
Lets start at the very beginning&hellip
Together While Jacksonville is home to many state-of-the-art
medical institutions we rank poorly in numerous health areas.
In 2022 Jacksonville had a total death rate of:
902.10PER 100,000
Compared to Florida's death rate of:
802.90PER 100,000
  Source: FL Health Charts
If we want to improve the health of our community, we must address the social determinants of health.
Motherhood 01 Motherhood is the first chapter in our shared tale.
This is where each of our stories truly start, before
we even open our eyes our health is important.
Together While the maternity rates of our mothers is lower than the national average many mothers and children are still missing the help that they sorely need.
Even with the decrease in mortality and infant death rates we still must do our parts to keep these numbers down. It is so important to make sure both mother and child are supported. Jacksonville has multiple resources for mothers and mothers to be, please take the time to look for yourself or the ones you love.
Social settings
The next chapter of our health story are the
social determinants of our health.
What we have access to plays a
large role in our health. While some
people may have a walking trail around the corner
others may have a fast-food restaurant.
Social settings
In Jacksonville you are more likely to be within a ½ mile of a fast-food restaurant than a healthy food source.  And that’s just for food, many people have trouble getting access to further resources without the appropriate transportation.
Social settings
While you may just have a quick walk to get to where you want to go, many in Jacksonville do not have the luxury of getting to where they need to go or healthy options within proximity to where they live. Our Social environment has a large impact on our health and what resources we have access to.
Social settings
As we go through life it is up to us to seek out the care we need from both primary doctors and dentists. While Jacksonville boasts a large array of clinics and health centers, we still face an issue of not everyone being able to get the care they need.
While we have a large array of primary care offices, Jacksonville is facing an issue of having a lack of affordable dental care. This is especially apparent in low-income communities, with dental insurance not being included in all traditional insurance coverage.
If we want everyone in Jacksonville to live a healthy life, we need to make sure they have access to primary and dental care. Please take the time to look at our Resources page for help with Primary and Dental care.
Social settings
Not every problem is obvious on the outside, many people suffer from illnesses that cannot be seen. This chapter addresses the struggles many face with both mental health and addiction.
Most hospitalizations for mental health and addiction occur in young adults, with a larger amount occurring between ages 18 - 21. The cost of care in order to get help causes many to have nowhere to turn to when things get bad.
Mental Health is not an afterthought and is just as important as our physical health, and it should be prioritized just the same. If you or anyone you love needs help please see our resources page for resources. We need to make sure we are there for those facing troubles with an open mind and open arms.
Imagine needing help for a problem you are going through and being turned away due to a lack of appropriate funds or support to help pay those funds. Many people don’t have to imagine this, instead this is their reality.
In 2022, about 11.7% of Jacksonville’s population did not have health insurance. Those without health insurance find it harder to get the care they need, and some may forgo their healthcare altogether.
While Jacksonville has more insured citizens compared to that state of Florida, we still have those who need help with getting the care they need. Please visit our resources page for help in finding insurance coverage. No one should have to deal with not having the coverage they need.
Elderly text
Care and compassion do not have an age limit. No matter how old you are you should still receive the care you need. As you get older your health becomes even more important as new challenges and struggles may appear.
Elder Care
In 2022, Jacksonville reported 12.50% of people over the age of 65 were living in poverty. Compared to Florida’s average of 11.0%.
Elder Care
We need to make sure no matter how old you are that you have the same access to help and care as others.
Let's come together to make Jacksonville an example of great Health!
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