In person: Main Library, Multipurpose Room, 303 N. Laura Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202 Zoom: Meeting Information: Meeting ID: 512 686 0110 - Passcode: 154521
Notice is hereby given that the Jacksonville Housing Authority (JHA) Board of Commissioners Finance Committee will meet in person at 1300 N. Broad Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32202 on, Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Attendees may be required to wear masks and social distance based on CDC guidelines at the physical location.
Notice is hereby given that the Tree Commission will meet pursuant to State of Florida Executive Order 20-69 (Emergency Management-COVID-19-Local Government Public Meetings). These meetings are pursuant to City Ordinance 2017-397, Chapter 54.
Notice is hereby given that the City of Jacksonville Downtown Development Review Board (DDRB) will meet on June 9th, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. via Hybrid Virtual/In-Person meeting. The meeting noticed herein can be accessed virtually through the Zoom.US computer application or in-person at the City of Jacksonville Main (Downtown) Library. The purpose of this meeting is for the DDRB to consider and take action on items on the DDRB agenda which can be found at the following location:
Notice is hereby given that the City of Jacksonville Downtown Investment Authority (“DIA”) is hosting a hybrid virtual/in-person meeting of the LaVilla Historic Enhancement and Cultural District Committee on Friday, June 3rd, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room located in the Conference Center of the City of Jacksonville Main (Downtown) Library and via the Zoom US computer application. This meeting is open to the public and all interested persons are invited to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the objectives of the Committee and LaVilla focused initiatives.
Notice is hereby given that a subcommittee of the Tree Commission will meet to develop objectives for facilitation. Interested persons desiring to attend this meeting can do so in person at 609 St. John’s Bluff Rd., N.
Notice is hereby given that the Jacksonville Housing Authority (JHA) Board of Commissioners will meet in person at 1300 N. Broad Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32202 on, Tuesday, May 31, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend this meeting. Attendees may be required to wear masks and social distance based on CDC guidelines at the physical location.
All members of City Boards and Commissions are required by local law to complete training provided by the City’s Ethics Office. This should be completed within six months of appointment and renewed at least once every four years. A completed knowledge check is required prior to training. Please reach out to the City’s Ethics office,, or to your board’s City liaison for details.
Vystar Credit Union 76 South Laura St. Vystar Tower, 22nd Fl. Jacksonville, FL 32202 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.