COEA Vacancies
The Council on Elder Affairs is a countywide body representative of all of the older adults of Duval County. COEA contains a broad, informed and representative mixture of persons to adequately represent the interest and concerns of this county's aging citizens. Fourteen members of the Council on Elder Affairs shall be appointed by the City Council (one nominee from each of the 14 District Council Members) and five Group members of the Council on Elder Affairs shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. All members or reappointees (except members appointed to fill vacancies for unexpired terms) shall serve for two-year staggered terms.
**Please Note: All COEA members are unpaid volunteers, shall be age 55 and over must reside in Duval County, and should not be providers of services or employees of the local, state or federal government, or officers or employees of any entity which receives public funding for projects related or concerning the older adults.**
To attend public hearings, forums, town hall meetings, to receive information, and disseminate from all segments of the community with respect to the effectiveness of existing services and the need for additional or different services to meet adequately the needs of older adults.
To evaluate current services and programs in terms of the objectives and purposes established for them in meeting the needs of older adults
To determine services needed by older persons that are not currently being provided by public or private providers.
To develop and recommend priorities:
For services provided by the City,
For services provided by agencies and organizations other than the City, and
For new services that may be recommended.
To recommend methods of eliminating duplications of new or proposed services and established services.
To recommend coordination of existing services and all new services designed to augment or replace existing services, to obtain maximum economy, efficiency and effectiveness of all services for older adutls
To provide persons to represent the City on regional organizations concerned with the problems and needs of the older adults.
To adopt, promulgate, amend and rescind rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Chapter.
To submit an annual report to the Mayor and the Council of its activities and of the problems and progress in meeting the needs of the older adults.
To carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it from time to time by ordinance.
Current Appointment Opportunities
CC-District 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, and At-Large Groups 1 and 3.
**Please note appointees for this board do not need to reside in the District of their appointing Council Member.**
Click here for additional information regarding the City Council Appointment Process (53k)
Applicants interested in seeking appointment: View City Council appointment opportunities
For more information contact Carrence Bass, Executive Director of COEA at