Ethics Commission

Purpose: In 1992, the City Council passed an ordinance creating the Jacksonville Ethics Commission to provide a local forum for consideration and investigation of ethical problems and issues.
The Ethics Commission conducts quarterly meetings open to the public. See the link to “Notices, Agendas & Minutes” for dates and times.
Annual Reports
Complaints to the Ethics Commission
Complaints filed with the City of Jacksonville Ethics Commission, along with all proceedings and records related to the complaint and any preliminary investigation, are confidential and exempt from Sunshine Law and Public Records disclosure until one of the following occurs: (1) the complaint is dismissed by the Ethics Commission as legally insufficient; (2) the person against whom a complaint has been filed requests in writing that such records and proceedings be made public; or (3) the Ethics Commission determines whether probable cause exists to believe that a violation has occurred. Florida Statutes § 112.324(2).
The Ethics Commission and its staff are not free to comment on the existence or status of a complaint or to release any documents relating to a complaint so long as a complaint remains in a confidential stage. Records of each complaint may be requested from the Ethics Office and provided to the requesting party when one of the circumstances described above occurs.
For information on how to file a complaint with the Ethics Commission, click the following link: Complaint Form and Procedures
Additional Ethics Commission Links
Current Officers and Staff
Erich Freiberger, Chair
William Maule, Vice-Chair
Kirby Oberdorfer, Director of Office of Ethics, Compliance and Oversight
Dylan Reingold, Office of General Counsel, Advisor
(904) 255-5510