City of Jacksonville

Homelessness Initiatives Commission
Legislative Authority: Legislative Authority: Ordinance 2024-111-E; Chapter 86, Ordinance Code; Section 111.920, Ordinance Code

Total Members: 7 Commissioners; 3 Liaisons

Committee Duties: City Council President makes 4 appointments; Mayor makes 3 appointments. The Commission has three liaisons - City Council President appoints 1 City Council Member; The Sheriff appoints a member of his staff; and JFRD Director/Chief appoints a member of his staff. The Commission is an advisory body to oversee and make recommendations regarding the use and distribution of all funds deposited in the Homelessness Initiatives Special Revenue Fund established in Section 111.920, Ordinance Code.

HIC Board Meeting Date: 2nd Monday of each month in the Ed Ball Building, 8th Floor, Room 851, 9:00 – 10:30 am 
HIC Special Meeting Date:  The Friday immediately following the HIC Board Meeting of each month in the Ed Ball Building, 1st Floor, Hearing Room 1002, 9:00 – 11:00 am 
(Meeting times and locations are subject to change.)

HIC 2025 Calendar.pdf

HIC Minutes

Commissioners Members

Name Category
Shantel Davis (Chair) Mayor 01
Isaiah M. Oliver. (Vice Chair) Mayor 02
Jitan Kuverji (Secretary) City Council 01
Dr. Megan Allyse City Council 02
Rev. Kate Moorehead Carroll Mayor 03
Christopher Crothers City Council 03
Jolita Wainwright City Council 04


Jimmy Peluso Council Member
Asst. Chief James Ricks JSO
Capt. Jennifer Parramore JFRD

Shannon MacGillis – Office of General Council

Support Staff

Name Position Phone Email
Kenny Logsdon, AICP Affordable Housing Development Assistant Administrator - Housing and Community Development (904) 255-8237
Neolita Maharaj Contract Compliance Manager - Housing and Community Development (904) 255-8248