Boards and Commissions

Joint Planning Committee

Welcome to the Joint Planning Committee (JPC) website. The JPC is an advisory body to the Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) and governing bodies of the cities (the cities of Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach and the Town of Baldwin).

Legislative Authority: 2007-1183-E, 2003-430-A & 2001-65-A,; Interlocal Agreement per Sec. 163.3177(6)(h) 1 & 2, F.S.

Total Members: The JPC includes both elected and citizen members including: one member appointed by the DCPS from among its membership; one member appointed by the City Council from among its membership; three lay members appointed by the Superintendent of Schools; two lay members appointed by the Mayor; one lay member appointed by the City Council President; and one lay member appointed jointly by the Mayor, the City Council President, the Chair of the DCPS and the Superintendent of Schools.

Committee Duties: The JPC is responsible for:

  • Reviewing future growth patterns of Duval County;
  • Reviewing existing sites and Identifying future sites and facility needs for school, libraries, parks and community centers;
  • Considering future site-compatible community facilities; and
  • Reviewing the annual update of the Interlocal Agreement.

Committee Members:

Name Category
Leone, George Lay Member
Feustel, Elizabeth Lay Member
Frick, Drew D. Lay Member
Hainline, Theodore R. Resident
Hawk, Michael J. Lay Member
Johnson, Rahman Council Member
Jones, Warren A. School Board Member
Nuland, Karen B. Lay Member
Tookes, Monique Lay Member

Contact Staff:

Name Position Phone Email
Krista Fogarty City Planner III (904) 255-7825

Public Records Notice

The City of Jacksonville is committed to making its website compliant with all state, local, and federal laws, as well as accessible to as many people as possible. The City is currently developing a procedure to make all documents posted ADA accessible. In the meantime, public records that are not currently accessible will not be posted to the City’s website but remain available pursuant to a public records request. To submit a public records request online visit MyJax or call (904) 630-CITY.