City of Jacksonville

The Senior Companion Program

The Senior Companion Program (SCP), which began in 1974, helps frail seniors and other adults maintain independence primarily in the clients’ own homes.  Senior Companions serve between 15 and 40 hours a week and typically serve between two and four clients.  Among other activities, they assist with daily living tasks, such as grocery shopping and bill paying; provide friendship and companionship; alert doctors and family members to potential problems and provide respite to family caregivers.  Eligibility:  Volunteers must be 55 years of age or over.  Those who meet certain income guidelines receive a small stipend.  All SCP volunteers receive accident and liability insurance and meals while on duty, reimbursement for transportation, and monthly training.  For more information, call (904) 255-6684.

Joe Slater
Senior Services Project Supervisor 
(904) 255-6684