City of Jacksonville


Directory of Services for People with Disabilities

The agencies listed in this guide can be of great assistance to persons with disabilities and their family members. Visually impaired or blind persons should contact our office to ask for this publication in Braille or on tape.

To access WJCT's Radio Reading Service and daily readings of the Florida Times Union on-demand please visit WCJT's Radio Reading Service site (link leads to external site). Readings are updated Monday through Friday at 11:15 a.m.

Reading the documents provided below requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader, available for free from Adobe (link leads to external site). Although an attempt was made to obtain complete and accurate information, many things do not remain constant. Therefore, if you know of additional agencies, services, or corrections to be made, please contact:

Disabled Services Division

117 W. Duval St., Suite 205
Jacksonville, Florida 32202-4111
(904) 255-5466 (Voice)
(904) 255-5475 (TDD)
(904) 255-5476 (Captel)
(904) 255-5474 (Fax)

NOTE: This directory is intended to be a resource document of agencies and services, both local and throughout the country. Neither this Division, nor the City of Jacksonville endorses, or recommends any private for profit businesses listed in this directory, but rather have provided this information for individuals to contact, and compare prices, services and special accommodation features. For further information, consult your local telephone directory.