City of Jacksonville


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a Senior Citizens Center located in my neighborhood?

There are many centers in various neighborhoods operated by the City of Jacksonville at which services and activities are available to senior citizens. Visit our website for a map showing all Senior Centers.

Center hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To find the one nearest to you, please call 255-5400 or go to the Community and Senior Centers page.

What services and activities are available at Senior Centers?

Each Community and Senior Center offers a variety of activities and services for persons 60 years of age and over. Services and activities include: Counseling for health, social service and personal problems; educational programs addressing health, nutrition, vocational improvement and personal enrichment; medical escort (on a limited basis) to and from services; information on resources and services available within Senior Services; referrals to other agencies; meals; recreational activities; special events; transportation; regular shopping and field trips.

Is there transportation to a Senior Center?

Yes, call Community and Senior Center Services at 255-5400, the Transportation Coordinator at 630-0801 or the Jacksonville Transportation Authority at 630-3100.

I need nutritional assistance. Where can I get a good, hot meal at no cost?

There are 15 locations throughout the City of Jacksonville where you may enjoy a midday meal with other senior citizens.

How can I find out what's on the daily menu at the senior centers?

To find out what is on the menu at our Community and Senior Centers, you may call 255-5400 or the center nearest you or use the menu link on the Senior Center web page.

I live at the beach. Is there a Senior Center near me?

Yes. The Bennie Furlong Senior Center is located at 281 S. 19th St., Jacksonville Beach. The telephone number is 255-6730.

One of my family members may have Alzheimer's Disease. How can I get help for/with him or her?

There are several agencies available to assist families who include an Alzheimer's client. The Independent Living Program can provide respite services or referrals. Their telephone number is 255-6686. The Alzheimer's Association (904-281-9077) or ElderSource (904-391-6699) may also help.

I would like to be involved in the community and would like to use my skills and experience to help others as a volunteer but don't know how to get started. Is there someone who can give me some information?

Yes. The RSVP Program (255-6655) is set up to help anyone 55 years of age or over become a volunteer and contribute time and expertise to various agencies and organizations throughout Jacksonville. The Foster Grandparent Program (255-6660) may also have an opportunity for you.

I'm not physically able to continue doing the kind of volunteer work that I have been doing and I am no longer able to drive but want to continue doing volunteer work. What is there that I could do?

There are many opportunities for you to become involved doing valuable work for many agencies or organizations. Check out the RSVP page or call 630-0998.

Are there any Special Events for seniors that might interest me?

We offer more than a dozen events annually that vary from sporting events to social and entertainment events. To find out more about the special programs and events offered to seniors you can call 255-5667 or check out our Senior Events page.

I recently moved away from my family and grandchildren and find it very difficult to fill this void in my life. Is there a program that may help fill this void?

If you have time to spare and love working with children, the Foster Grandparent Program would be a wonderful way to fill that void in your life. To find out more on how you can become involved call 630-5450.

Have a question not answered here?

Please e-mail the City of Jacksonville Adult Services Division: