Metropolitan Jacksonville Area HIV Health Services Planning Council
Our Mission:
The mission of the Jacksonville Planning Council is to provide a means for planning and implementing a coordinated response to the needs of people living with and affected by HIV. This covers a broad spectrum of care and support services ranging from medications and primary medical care to transportation and other basic assistance.
The City of Jacksonville became eligible for federal funding through the Ryan White Care Act in 1994. Upon notification of eligibility, the mayor established the Planning Council by Executive Order 94-186. The Planning Council’s first meeting was held in October 1994, and was comprised of 27 community leaders, health care providers, and individuals living with HIV. The Social Services Division, under the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department, is assigned the responsibility of administering the local Ryan White Part A program.
The Planning Council uses community input to fulfill its legislative mandate of establishing priorities and allocating funds. The Council is responsible for assessing the needs of PLWHA (people living with HIV/AIDS); prioritizing services and allocating funds in support of those services; for developing a comprehensive service plan to meet identified needs; and for evaluating the efficiency of the administrative agency in distributing funds.
The decision on where the money will go, and how much will go to each area, is based on documented needs. Services must be responsive to the HIV epidemiology in this area. Consumer perspectives and preferences will be a primary consideration in setting service priorities (doctor/dental care, medication, mental and substance abuse counseling, health insurance premium assistance, medical transportation, case management, etc.) and allocating resources (money). Priorities should contribute to strengthening the agreed-upon continuum of care, including providing basic health care, limiting duplication of services, and minimizing the need for hospitalization. Decisions are expected to address overall needs within the service area, not narrow advocacy concerns. Services must be culturally appropriate. Services should focus on the needs of low-income, underserved, and severe needs populations. Equitable access to services should be provided across geographic areas and subpopulations. Services should meet standards of care (where available) and be of demonstrated quality and effectiveness.
Quick Links:
This website is partially funded through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.