City of Jacksonville


The Disabled Parking Enforcement Program

In August 1990, the Disabled Services Division of the City of Jacksonville, in coordination with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and Public Parking Division, organized and held classes for the Disabled Parking Enforcement team. The Disabled Parking Enforcement Program is comprised of people with and without disabilities who are trained and volunteer their time to monitor and enforce the law by issuing citations to persons illegally parked in designated disabled parking spaces. 

The fine in Jacksonville, Duval County is $250. Of the fines that are collected, 70% are distributed to the Handicap Parking Trust Fund to be utilized to better serve persons with disabilities in our community.

Florida statutes outline appropriate uses as follows:

  1. The improvement of accessibility for qualified disabled persons.
  2. The improvement of equal opportunity for qualified physically disabled persons.
  3. Public awareness programs concerning physically disabled persons.

The Disabled Parking Enforcement Program is managed by the Disabled Services Division Manager and coordinated through the Parking Enforcement Administrator position.  

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For more information:

Submit Auxiliary Volunteer Hours 


Khalilah Smalls
Disabled Parking Administrator
Disabled Services Division
Phone: (904) 255-5464
TTY: (904) 255-5475
Fax: (904) 255-5474