City of Jacksonville

Foster Grandparent Program Timesheet

Foster Grandparent Program Time Submittal

Please fill out the form below with the dates and times that you have worked. Submittal of this form is the equivalent of the written form, and you are responsible for the accuracy of the submittal. If you have any questions, please contact the FGP office at (904) 630-5450.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Time In
Break Out
Break in
Time Out

If you have anything to relay to the FGP Office (Change of teacher, transfer of student, etc...) please notate it here.

By clicking the "submit" button, I verify that all information on this timesheet is accurate for reporting and payment purposes. I understand that falsification of any information may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. All digital signatures verify that information listed is true and accurate, and I understand that if I use my personal automobile to and from my volunteer workstation, I will maintain automobile liability insurance equal or greater than the minimum required by the State of Florida.