City of Jacksonville


Disabled Services holds partnerships with many organizations to ensure quality service for the City of Jacksonville's disability population. Some of those include the following. 

Brooks Rehabilitation

Brooks has more than 40 years of experience providing expert medical rehabilitation services. They have professional clinicians that are highly trained in advanced medical care and therapy that is delivered with compassion, enthusiasm, and motivation to assist people in reaching their maximum level of recovery. The Disabled Services Division supports Brooks' efforts through sponsorships and collaboration with the organization's adaptive recreation team. For more information about Brooks Rehabilitation, please visit Brooks Rehabilitation (link leads to external site)


CIL of Northeast Florida

The CIL of Northeast Florida is a non-profit, 501 (c) 3, assisting people with disabilities in Northeast Florida. The CIL of Northeast Florida is a consumer driven, community based, non-residential organization, providing services since 1978. The Center reaches five counties throughout Northeast Florida, including: Duval, Baker, Clay, Nassau, and St Johns. The Center stands as Jacksonville’s leading cross-disability based organization, providing personalized services to people with disabilities. For more information about the ILRC, please vis CIL Jacksonville - Empowering People with Disabilities (link leads to external site).

City of Jacksonville: Jacksonville Public Library/Special Needs 

The Library provides a variety of programs and services to the disability community including Talking Books /Special Needs Library. The library’s collection of books on cassette includes mysteries, westerns, romances, biographies, travel, current events, how-to, children's and young adult books, and even books in foreign languages. You can select your reading materials from a large print or recorded catalog at home. 

City of Jacksonville: Office of Sports and Entertainment 

City of Jacksonville: Jacksonville Small and Emerging Businesses

Division of Blind Services (DBS)

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

Duval County Public Schools

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO)

JaxReady Special Medical Needs

MV Transportation, Inc.

Special Olympics

Special Olympics is a global organization that involves people that support and accept people regardless of their ability or disability. Special Olympics promotes inclusion and community opportunities to make the world a place with more opportunities to participate in sporting events.  This is accomplished by providing year-round sports training and competition in various sports that are Olympic-type sports events. The Disabled Services Division supports Special Olympics by sponsorships and reserving city facilities for their practices and events. For more information about Special Olympics, please visit Special Olympics' Website (link leads to external site).

SportsAbility Alliance

Connecting people with disabilities to recreational activities, resource providers, and community organizations to learn about new trends in recreation and leisure in the community. For more information about the SportsAbility Alliance, please visit SportsAbility Alliance's Website (link leads to external site).

Transportation (JTA)

JTA paratransit is comparable service under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) for people with disabilities who are functionally unable to use regular accessible fixed route bus service for some or all of their transportation needs, and for people who are transportation disadvantaged. For more information about JTA, please visit the Jacksonville Transportation Website (link leads to external site).