City of Jacksonville

JaxParks Aquatics

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2025 Outdoor Pools 

Stay Cool in the Pool this summer! Make this another amazing summer by spending plenty of time in one of our outdoor pools.
Memorial Day Weekend Outdoor Pool Hours
Saturday, May 24 -- 11AM - 6PM
Sunday, May 25 -- 2PM - 6PM
Monday, May 26 -- 11AM - 6PM
Pre-Season Outdoor Pool Hours
Saturday 11AM - 6PM
Sunday 2PM - 6PM

Regular Season Outdoor Pool Hours

Saturday, June 7 to Sunday August 3
Monday - Friday 1PM - 7PM
Saturday 2PM - 6PM
Post Season Outdoor Pool Hours
**DCPS Sites Saturday, August 1 through Monday, September 1
Saturday 11AM - 6PM
Sunday 2PM - 6PM

JaxParks Pools - Saturday, Ausust 9 through Monday, September 1
Saturday 11AM - 6PM
Sunday 2PM - 6PM
Labor Day Weekend Outdoor Pool Hours
Saturday, August 30 -- 11AM - 6PM
Sunday, August 31 -- 2PM - 6PM
Monday, September 1 -- 11AM - 6PM

The following pools will be open Saturday, May 24, 2025:

·         Andrew Jackson High School - 128 W. 30th St., 32206
·         Baldwin Middle/High School - 345 Chestnut St., 32234
·         Blue Cypress Park - 4012 University Blvd., N., 32277
·         Cecil Aquatic Center - 13611 Normandy Blvd., 32221
·         Charles Clark Pool- 8739 Sibbald Rd., 32208
·         Emmett Reed Park - 1093 W. 6th St., 32209
·         Eugene Butler Pool - 900 Acorn St., 32209
·         Fletcher High School - 700 Seagate Ave., 32266
·         Fort Caroline Pool - 14131 Ferber Rd., 32277
·         Golfair Park Pool (C.T. Brown) - 4415 Moncrief Rd., 32209
·         Grand/Johnnie Walker Park - 2740 Division St., 32209
·         Harts Rd/ Eartha Napolean Park – 11597 Harts Rd., 32218
·         Highlands Middle School - 10913 Pine Estates Rd., 32218
·         Julius Guinyard Park – 1358 Jefferson St., 32209
·         Mandarin High School - 4831 Greenland Rd., 32258
·         Oceanway Park - 12215 Sago Ave. W., 32218
·         Paxon High School - 3413 W. 5th St., 32254
·         Pine Forest (Henry T. Jones Park)  - 2335 Gattis Ln., 32207
·         Ribault High School - 5820 Van Gundy St., 32208
·         Riverside High School - 1200 S. McDuff Ave., 32205
·         Robert F. Kennedy Pool - 1139 Ionia St., 32206    
·         Samuel Wolfson High School - 7000 Powers Ave., 32217
·         Sandalwood High School - 2750 John Promenade Blvd., 32246
·         Terry Parker High School - 7301 Parker School Rd., 32211
·         Thomas Jefferson Park - 390 N. Jackson Ave., 32220
·         Westside High School - 5530 Firestone Rd., 32244
·         Woodland Acres/ Warrington Park - 8200 Kona Ave., 32216

Additional sites are scheduled to open in June:
·         Lakeshore Middle School - 2519 Bayview Rd., 32210
·         Mallison Park Pool - 3133 Lenox Ave., 32254
·         San Souci Pool (Adolph Wurn Park) - 2115 Dean Rd., 32216

Cecil Aquatics Center 

Summer 2025 Swim Lessons

Starting June 2nd summer hours will change to 7AM - 10AM and 1PM - 6PM for regular patrons. Summer hours will end on August 8. These hours do not apply to members.

First session

  • Week 1: June 9 - 12

  • Week 2: June 16 - June 20 (No class June 19)

Second session

  • Week 1: June 30 - July 3

  • Week 2: July 7 - 10

Third session

  • Week 1: July 21 - 24

  • Week 2: July 28 - 31

Hours: Monday - Thursday

Tots LTS Adults
10-10:30AM 10-10:45AM 7:45PM
11-11:30AM 11-11:45AM  
6-6:30PM 6-6:45PM  


Swim year-round at the Cecil Aquatic Center:

  • Monday through Friday: Lap Swim Only 7 a.m. – 8 a.m.; Open Swim 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.; (Maintenance Break 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.); Open Swim 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Saturday: Open Swim 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.; (Maintenance Break 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.); Open Swim 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Sunday Open Swim 1 p.m. – 6 .p.m.

Splash Pads

Splash around in any of our 16 locations around town.
  • Splash Pads will open the first weekend in May this year through the last weekend in October
  • Open daily from 10 am - 7 pm


Due to unforeseen circumstances splash pads may be off/closed for a limited time during the season for maintenance or weather related issues.​

2025 Swim Lessons

Sesson 1: June 9 - 20 (No class June 19)
Session 2: June 30 - July 11 (No class July 4)
Session 3: July 21 - August 1

$60 per two week session.
Times: Classes taught Monday - Thursday with Fridays as make-up days when needed.

Aqua Tots- ages 3 to 5

Participants learn basic swimming and water safety skills.

Youth Swim- ages 5 to 13

Participants are placed in classes based on skill level. Activities range from water acclimation to competitive swimming strokes.

Teen Swim- ages 13 to 18

Same as youth swim.

Adult Swim- ages 21 and up

Placement is based on skill level and water acclimation.

Click here for the Learn-to-Swim Schedule

2025 Aquatics is Hiring!

Whether you are a newcomer to lifeguarding or an experienced professional, your skills are invaluable to us.
 Join our Pool team and explore one of our available positions.

  • Lifegaurds - $15 per hour
  • Assistant Pool Manager - 16.50 per hour
  • Pool Manager - $17.00 per hour
  • District Coordinator - $17.00 per hour
For more information, call 904-255-6777 or 904-255-4271 or email

JaxParks-Lifeguard-Training-2024-QR-code.jpgBecome a Lifeguard

Join our JaxParks Aquatics team and become a lifeguard.

All those planning to participate will need to be able to complete three prerequisite skills.
  • 200 yard swim
  • 2 minutes of treading water without using hands
  • Retrieving a 10 pound brick from the bottom of the diving well.
$15 per hour starting pay for new lifeguards!

Please come prepared to swim. Participants may bring a change of clothes and snacks. Paper to take notes is recommended. Additional hiring information will be given upon completion of training class.

* This training is for potential COJ pool lifeguard employment.
* Additional classes may be added, please check back here for updates.
* Accommodations for persons with disabilities are available upon request. Please contact Disabled Services at VM 255-5466, TTY 255-5475, or email your request to

Lifeguard Training Dates:

Full-Course: Monday - Friday - 3:30PM to 9:00PM
March 17 - March 21: Charles Clark
March 31 - April 4: Cecil
April 14 - April 18: Charles Clark
April 28 - May 2: Woodland Acres
May 12 - May 16: Charles Clark

Recertification Course:
February 15 & 16: Cecil. Saturday & Sunday - 10AM - 5PM
March 17 & 18: Charles Clark. Monday & Tuesday - 8AM - 3PM
April 12 & 13: Charles Clark. Saturday & Sunday - 10AM - 5PM
May 10 & 11: Charles Clark. Saturday & Sunday - 10AM - 5PM

Hybrid: Saturday  - 10AM to 6PM
January 4: Cecil
March 22: Charles Clark
April 5: Charles Clark
May 17: Blue Cypress
Training Locations
Blue Cypress - 4012 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville, FL 32277
Cecil - 13611 Normandy Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32221
Charles Clark - 8793 Sibbald Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32208
Woodland  Acres - 8200 Kona Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32211

For more information call 904.255.6777 or email

Certification is valid for two years.
Must be 15 years of age to become a lifeguard.

JaxParks Aquatics Office

Call us at (904) 255-6777
JaxParks Aquatics Office, 4012 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville, FL  32277