Community and Senior Center Services
Engage, Enrich, Enlighten & Empower……Taking A Positive Approach to Aging
The Community and Senior Center Services Program administers facilities, programs, activities and services that support the successful living and aging of Jacksonville residents. The cultural, educational and social activities at our 15 centers are organized for active, engaged citizens 60 years of age and over.
Centers are available to the public for meetings, conferences, dinners, receptions and other private functions.
Services offered for persons 60 years of age and over at our Community and Senior Centers include:
Activities and Programs
Every Senior Center offers activities focused on education, wellness and social interaction. Click here for activities calendars and additional information about individual locations.
Nutritious Meals
Every Monday through Friday, 14 of our centers offer hot, nutritionally balanced, midday meals which meet at least one-third of the current daily Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Breakfast is currently offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays as well at 14 centers.
For information call the Senior Center nearest you or (904) 255-5400.
Counseling and guidance for health, social service and personal problems.
Health Education
Health, nutrition, vocational improvement and personal enrichment.
Health Support
Programs that promote healthy living, such as exercise classes, nutrition education and consultation, and health education classes.
Response to inquiries regarding resources and/or available services.
Guidance, contact and follow up as needed to a service or resource to alleviate a problem.
Active effort to reach new target group individuals with one-to-one contact and to encourage use of available services.
Participation in, or attendance at, planned leisure events and activities.
Shopping Assistance
Limited assistance with grocery shopping through senior centers.
Cultural Activities
The centers offer a variety of activities from lectures to games. Plays, musicals, classes in ceramics, painting, crafts, board games, bridge, bingo and Mah-Jongg are scheduled regularly. Weekly shopping trips and occasional field trips are arranged. Many centers have small libraries.
Computer Classes
Many centers offer basic computer classes to help individuals understand functions and features of a computer. Social media and smart device classes also available. For more information call the center nearest you.
Homemaking Services
Light housekeeping services are available for functionally impaired elderly persons 60 years of age and over to remain in their homes to prevent or delay institutionalization and lessen the burden of impairment or chronic illness. Call (904) 630-0646 for more information.
Transportation is available Monday through Friday for trips to and from Centers at no cost. Call the Senior Services Transportation Coordinator at 630-0801 or the center nearest you.
Private Rentals
The Jacksonville Senior Centers are available to rent for private functions Friday (6 - 11 p.m.), Saturday (8 a.m. - 11 p.m.), and Sunday ( 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.) on non-holiday weekends. Click here for full details and reservations.
Advisory Councils
Advisory Boards and Site Councils make recommendations and provide support to Senior Centers and the Senior Services Nutrition Program. Center customers as well as volunteers from the community at large are invited to serve on the advisory councils. Call the nearest center for more information.
Donations and Fees
There are no fees to attend the Jacksonville Senior Centers. Nominal fees may be charged for some classes and for certain uses of the facilities.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Jacksonville Senior Centers rely on volunteers to improve the quality of our programs. If you are interested in leading an activity, helping serve lunch, or making the center a better place for seniors, please contact the center staff to discuss volunteer opportunities.
Sponsorship and funding is provided by ElderSource, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, U.S. Government Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended with matching funds from the City of Jacksonville, Recreation and Community Services Department, Adult Services Division. Additional capital improvement funds provided by Community Development Block Grants.
Senior Services Division
Administrative Offices
City Hall at St. James Building
117 W. Duval Street, Suite 280
Jacksonville, FL 32202