Neighborhood Services Office
The Neighborhood Services Office focuses on citizen participation and neighborhood improvements. This office coordinates the activities of the Neighborhood Coordinators, who work with neighborhood organizations, and six Citizen Planning Advisory Committees (CPACs). CPACs facilitate communication between city government and local communities, neighborhood organizations, local businesses, educational institutions, and residents to make sure the needs of the community are being met and neighborhoods maintain or improve the current standard of living. This office also administers the Town Center Initiative (TCI) program, which improves commercial area right-of-ways in older neighborhoods,
Ordinance 2016-140-E, Section 34.801, signed into law on March 22, 2016, establishes a Neighborhood Services Office and provides that this office compile and update an inventory of all officially recognized neighborhood organizations operating in the community.
To register with the City, neighborhood groups or associations should register as a Neighborhood Organization through the link below. Use this link to register as an organization in the directory, to update an existing listing, and to register for notification about re-zonings and land use amendments in your neighborhood. For questions or more information concerning registration, please call (904) 255-8250.
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Public Records Notice
The City of Jacksonville is committed to making its website compliant with all state, local, and federal laws, as well as accessible to as many people as possible. The City is currently developing a procedure to make all documents posted ADA accessible. In the meantime, public records that are not currently accessible will not be posted to the City’s website but remain available pursuant to a public records request. To submit a public records request online visit MyJax or call (904) 630-CITY.
Neighborhood Services Office
214 N. Hogan St., 7th Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 255-8250