The City of Jacksonville’s Housing and Community Development Division ("HCDD") administers federal and state funds received from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") and the State of Florida. The City of Jacksonville uses a portion of the funds for the Revolving Loan Fund ("RLF") to preserve neighborhoods, build and preserve affordable housing, and stimulate economic revitalization across the City. This is a reimbursement loan program. The application process is open year-round, and each application is considered as it is received. The funds provided by this program will be made available in the form of repayable loans and are provided on a reimbursement basis. Housing development experience and available financials by the applicant are encouraged for any successful application. Additional requirements may apply.
More information may be requested by emailing, by calling: Joshua Hicks, Affordable Housing Administrator, at 904-255-8204, or by writing to:
City of Jacksonville
Housing and Community Development Division
Revolving Loan Fund
214 N. Hogan Street, 7th Floor
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Program Manual and Guidelines
The purpose of the COJ Revolving Loan Fund Program Manual and Underwriting Guidelines is to identify the City's Affordable Housing Policy objectives, define the activities available to advance the objectives, and describe the way the activities will be evaluated, underwritten, and selected for funding. The guidelines are intended to achieve compliance with federal, state, and local regulations and set the standards for all Affordable Housing projects funding by the City of Jacksonville, regardless of funding source.
COJ RLF Manual and Underwriting Guidelines - 24 FEB 2025.pdf
Jacksonville RLF Underwriting Checklist FEB-2025.xlsx
Application Submission
All applicants must submit two (2) bound copies, using the tab system provided in the Application Checklist, as well as one (1) electronic copy, via USB memory stick, of the full application package. No applications will be received via email or fax, and to receive funding from the COJ Revolving Loan Fund, you must apply.
Applications are received year-round and can take two weeks to a month to review. If funding is not available, the application will be held and fully considered when funding is available (applicant will be notified). The contract writing and approval process can take up to two months.
Application packages must be delivered to the following address in-person or by mail:
City of Jacksonville
Housing and Community Development Division
Revolving Loan Fund
214 N. Hogan Street, 7th Floor
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Documents provided in links are in pdf format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader, available free from Adobe. Click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.