Overview of Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") has awarded Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery ("CDBG-DR") funds to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity ("DEO") for activities authorized under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and described in the State of Florida Action Plan for Disaster Recovery. The City of Jacksonville has entered into an agreement with DEO (Agreement #HM004) to administer disaster recovery funds.
CDBG-DR Matthew: Hurricane Matthew Housing Repair Program
The City of Jacksonville has been awarded $4,590,513.58 in CDBG-DR funds from the DEO for the Hurricane Matthew Housing Repair Program ("Hurricane Matthew Program"). The Hurricane Matthew Program provides construction services to qualified homes that were damaged by Hurricane Matthew and were unable to be repaired using other sources. Sixty-two households were assisted with repairs prior to the program's conclusion in August 2023.
The Hurricane Matthew Program is not qualifying additional applicants at this time. If you have questions regarding the Hurricane Matthew Program, please contact Raelyn Means, Housing & Community Development Administrator, at 904-255-8917 or
CDBG-DR Irma: Voluntary Home Buyout Program
The State of Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity (“DEO”) reduced the city’s funding for the Hurricane Irma Voluntary Home Buyout Program to $250,000 and recaptured the remaining unobligated funds. In making this decision, DEO cited that it had identified requests for other types of housing supports in higher demand and with greater inflationary pressures, both in our community and elsewhere in the state. In order to meet those requests, DEO made the decision to recapture any unobligated funds and redistribute them to other approved programs for Hurricane Irma disaster recovery housing needs for Floridians.
The City of Jacksonville was able to gain approval to continue with the acquisition of one owner-occupied property in the Voluntary Home Buyout Program, and subsequently purchased the property in November 2022. The property will be demolished, and the land returned to greenspace in keeping with the intent of the program.
This will conclude activity under the City of Jacksonville’s Hurricane Irma Voluntary Home Buyout Program.
For more information regarding the Voluntary Home Buyout Program, please contact Raelyn Means, Housing & Community Development Administrator, at 904-255-8917 or
The map below shows eligible parcels for the Voluntary Home Buyout Program: