"Innovation, Conservation and Sustainability"
August 23, 2013, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
UNF Adam W. Herbert University Center, 12000 Alumni Drive
Symposium Presentations:
Opening Session: St. Johns River – It’s Health, Partnership Update and What People Think·
Dr. Radha Pyati, UNF State of the River Report
Dr. Lucy Sonnenberg, JU
Melissa Long, FDEP River Accord Annual Status Report
Dr. Ray Oldakowski, JU St. Johns River Poll
Morning Sessions
Session A: Sustainability
Host: Catherine Tappouni, previously Education Director, Breaking Ground Contracting
Mike McCarthy, PG, MBA – RS&H
Organizational Sustainability- Planning and Realizing a More Resilient Future
Sarah Boren, Executive Director-USGBC N FL Chapter
LiveSMART – Sustainability Mobile Unit
Katie Salz, Community Gardens Program Mgr.-Second Harvest North Florida
Urban / Community Gardening in Jacksonville
Session B: Transportation/Alternative Fuels
Host: Jay Worley, JEA & Clean Cities Coalition
Karl Seltzer, Eng. II/Tech II-Koogler & Associates, Inc.
RICE Rules: What you Need to Know If You Own an Engine
Dave Bruderly, PE – Bruderly Engineering Associates
Will We Bring Alternative Motor Fuels to Jacksonville?
Guillermo Haberer-Titan America - Pennsuco
Case Study – Titan America’s Pennsuco Cement Plant
Session C: Energy
Host: Michelle Tappouni, Breaking Ground Contracting & EPB Member
Bill Wooten, Technical Services Mgr.-Museum of Science & History
MOSH - Museum Retrofit
Donna Kaluzniak, CEP-Utility Director City of Atlantic Beach / John E. Collins, Jr, PE-John Collins Engineering Associates, LLC
TMDL Project Saves Energy & Improves Sustainability
Susan Carew, EI, LEED AP-Dir. Facilities & Energy, DCPS
Greening Duval County Schools
Luncheon Keynote
Jeff Cole, Chief of Staff, St. Johns River Water Management District Partnerships to Protect the St Johns River
Afternoon Sessions
Session D: Low Impact Development
Host: John Flowe, COJ Environmental Quality Division – Water Branch
Seth Nehrke, PE, D.WRE-CDM Smith / Rich Wagner, PE, D.WRE-CDM Smith
Low Impact Development Coupled with Flood Mitigation
Jose Maria Guzman, PE, D.WRE-CDM Smith
Atl Bch Case Study - Retaining Runoff at its Sources
Session E: Conservation
Host: Dan Durbec, Keep Jacksonville Beautiful Executive Coordinator
Marc Hudson, Land Protection Director-North Florida Land Trust
How Do We Plan for Preservation?
Anna Dooley, Executive Director-Greenscape of Jacksonville / Mike Robinson -JEA
Greenscape & JEA = Green ReLeaf = Win, Win, Win
Session F: River Impacts
Host: Mark Middlebrook, St Johns River Alliance
Kevin Gartland, NAS Jax Environmental / John Barnard, John R. Barnard & Associates, Inc.
NAS JAX Reuse Expansion Project
Eric Summa, Chief-Environmental Branch, USACE
Jacksonville Harbor Deepening Project
Closing Session: Sea Level Rise and other Regional Issues
Margo Moehring, Ex. Dir. - Regional Community Institute of NE Fl
Brian Teeple, CEO NE FL Regional Council
Dipping our Toes in Rising Waters