According to Section 366.401-409 of the the Ordinance, the City of Jacksonville Environmental Quality Division (EQD) is responsible for conducting the following activities within Wellhead Protection Areas:
- Mapping and investigation of known sources of groundwater contamination within the Surficial Aquifer System (shallow aquifer), the Hawthorn Group (intermediate aquifer system), and the Floridan Aquifer System.
- Permitting, mapping and inspection of all private wells drilled into the Hawthorn Group or the Floridan Aquifer; and
The mapping information will be managed using Geographic Information System (GIS) software supported by the city's Information Technologies Department (ITD).
Mapping and Evaluation of Groundwater Contamination Sources
The EQD contamination site mapping and investigation task includes a review of available federal, state, and local environmental databases including, but not limited to:
- Brownfields Redevelopment Programs;
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection Site Investigation Section Contaminated Sites List;
- Lists of Commercial Hazardous Waste Transporter Facilities;
- Hazardous Waste Notifications;
- Solid Waste Facilities;
- Storage Tank and Petroleum Contamination/Cleanup Records; and
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) remedial action sites.
The mapping and investigation of contamination sites located within Wellhead Protection Areas will consider the following: the condition of each site; the status of each site within any applicable regulatory program; and any existing or planned remediation activities and site management plans.
Permitting, Private Well Mapping and Inspections
Upon Adoption by the EPB of a wellhead protection area, all new wells in such areas which do not require a St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) permit shall be permitted by the EQD. Using the EQD and SJRWMD water well databases, the EQD will map private well locations within Wellhead Protection Areas. The EQD will assess the depth, use, and condition of each identified private well. The EQD will identify wells known to or likely to penetrate the Hawthorn Group and/or the Floridan Aquifer. Thereafter, the EQD will conduct an investigation of each Hawthorn Group and Floridan Aquifer well to determine the condition of the well and its potential as a contaminant pathway into the Floridan Aquifer.
EQD will assess whether any private wells within Wellhead Protection Areas are located within or downgradient of groundwater contamination plumes present in the shallow aquifer. The condition of the well to prevent the downward migration of contaminants from the shallow aquifer to the underlying Floridan Aquifer will be assessed. The assessment will be based on the applicable regulatory standards of design and installation, and proper maintenance practices including, but not limited to:
- Proper grout seal outside of the casing;
- Presence of an approved and certified back flow prevention device;
- Proper sanitary seal on the wellhead;
- Concrete pad around wellhead;
- Proper management of surface water drainage in vicinity of wellhead;
- Well casing integrity; and
- Properly maintained pumping and distribution systems
It is the responsibility of the EQD to determine that a public potable water well is at risk of contamination. Once this determination has been made, EQD will notify the public water supply utility and identify the specific contaminants of concern. Within 30 days after receiving the notice, the public water supply utility will submit to the EQD a proposed plan to the sample the public potable water well.