Permits are required by the Environmental Quality Division (EQD) under Chapter 366 of the City Ordinance Code and Environmental Protection Board (EPB) Rule 8 prior to the construction, repair, modification or abandonment of any well less than six (6) inches in diameterand not currently permitted by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). This authority and well permitting requirement applies to all areas within Duval County. The City has adopted Florida Administrative Code (FAC) Chapters 62-532 and 40C-3 as its well construction and abandonment standards.
The EQD Well Permitting Program, includes, but is not limited to, the following types of wells less than six inches in diameter as measured by the water bearing casing:
- Domestic Wells
- Irrigation Wells
- A/C Supply or Return Wells
- DOH Limited Use Public Supply Wells
- Miscellaneous Fire/Process/Industrial Wells
- Environmental Monitoring Wells
- Environmental Remediation Wells (Recovery, Multi-Phase Extraction)
- Abandonment/Plugging
Vapor extraction remediation points completed above the water table do not meet the definition of a water well and do not require a permit. Wells used for construction dewatering do not require a permit.
The SJRWMD will continue to be the permitting agency for the following:
- All wells six inches or larger in diameter as measured by the water-bearing casing.
- Ganged wells collectively meeting or exceeding the six inches diameter criteria.
- Public Water Supply Wells regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).
- Wells located within FAC Chapter 62-524 Delineated Areas.
Please note that Closed-Loop Geothermal Heat Pump wells are permitted by the SJRWMD under the ganged well classification.
Well Permit Application Requirements
Well permit applications must include the following:
- A fully completed City of Jacksonville Application to Construct, Repair, Modify, or Abandon a Well (EPB Rule 8.504).
- A detailed site plan showing the location of the well(s) to be constructed or abandoned with distances depicting the location of the well(s) in relation to on-site buildings, landmarks and potential sources of contamination such as septic systems, stormwater ponds, and underground storage tanks must be included on the site plan (EPB Rule 8.504C).
- Property owner’s signature with application date or the signature with application date of the property owner’s designated agent in the space provided. If the well contractor or another party is applying for the well permit on behalf of the property owner, then a written statement from the property owner with their signature must accompany the well permit application authorizing the applicant to act as their agent (EPB Rule 8.504A).
- The appropriate application fee as required under Section 123.102(d)(1) of the City Ordinance Code.
Please contact the Groundwater Resource Section at (904) 255-7100 for specific well permitting questions. A City of Jacksonville Well Permit Application form is available for download here.
Well Permit Application Fee
The proposed well use and completion depth will determine the required
application fee.
Well Permit Duration and Deviations
Well permits issued by the Groundwater Resource Section are valid for one year. Any substantial deviation in the work plan that differs from the information supplied on the Well Permit Application form must have prior approval from the Groundwater Resource Section.
Well Completion Reports
A State of Florida Well Completion Report must be submitted to the Groundwater Resource Section no later than 30 days after completing any water well activity for which EQD issued a permit.A Well Completion Report form is available for download here.