DID YOU KNOW: You can use our online cleanup and inventory management system to register a clean-up, request supplies or trash pickup for a cleanup event, or share your results with us? 
Clean It Up, Green It Up helps improve the quality of life through development and implementation of community improvement initiatives. These programs support beautification, education, reduction of litter, recycling, improvement of waste handling practices and natural resource conservation. Such programs foster community pride and galvanize community support for initiatives intended to restore, maintain and enhance the beauty of our city.
We assist community groups interested in participating in volunteer cleanup events or organizing and planning volunteer neighborhood cleanup projects. Organized volunteer groups can qualify for free support materials such as trash bags, gloves. Arrangements can also be made to borrow safety vests and litter collection pickup tools. Register your neighborhood cleanup here. You can help by participating in these activities and encouraging others to take pride in our community. There are two River Cleanup events that take place each year as well - click here to find out more about River Cleanups
Another way to help is to notify us by visiting the MyJax online customer service website at or calling 630-CITY (2489). Residents can report all types of city service issues and register complaints such as code violations, overgrown lots, uncollected trash, tires or appliances. Their customer service representatives can provide information about a variety of city services including collection of recyclables, household garbage, yard waste and proper disposal of household hazardous and electronic waste.
If you would like more information about Keep Jacksonville Beautiful, please call 255-8276. Visit these sites for additional information about our partners:
Dan Durbec, Environmental Programs Specialist
214 North Hogan Street, Fifth Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 255-8276