August 19, 2011, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
UNF University Center, 12000 Alumni Drive
Symposium Presentations
Morning Presentations
- Sustainabilty Team: Go Green, John Shellhorn, Office of Sustainability, City of Jacksonville
- Low Impact Development Panel, Vince Seibold, P. E. City of Jacksonville
- LID Manual, Rich Wagner, P. E. CDM and Brett Cunningham, P. E. , Jones Edmunds
- Environmental Justice and LID, Frank Baker, US EPA
- Future of LID in Duval County, John Pappas, P. E., City of Jacksonville and Gary J. Bowers, MD, JEPB
- Water Supply, Kevin Hayes, P. G. City of Jacksonville,
Afternoon Presentations
- St Johns River Restoration/Statewide Implications, Dan Morton, City of Jacksonville
- Septic Tank Model, Rick Hicks, FDEP
- Urban Creek: Fish Consumption, Frank Baker, US EPA and Kendra Goff, FDOH
- Floating Wetlands Island, Kristine P. Jones, FDEP
- Manatee Protection Plan, A. Quinton White, Jr., Ph. D., JU and Jody McDaniel, City of Jacksonville
- Sustainability Successes, Sarah Boren, USGBC
- State of the River/River Accord, Gary J. Bowers, M. D., JEPB
2011 Environmental Protection Board Award Winners
Presented at the 2011 Environmental Symposium
Christi P. Veleta Award Winner: Neil Armingeon |
Charles E. Bennett Award Winner: Mark Middlebrook |