City of Jacksonville


Tree Commission Task Force on Urban Tree Planting Best Practices

January 27, 2025 10:00am - 1:00pm
All agenda materials will be available at by Wednesday, January 22, 2025 under the meeting link (Task Force Urban Tree Planting Best Practices Meeting Notice* January 27, 2025 10:00am - 1:00pm)
Order of Agenda is Subject to Change
  1. Call to Order – Chair
2.   Roll Call and Verification of Quorum – Chair Submittal of Speaker’s cards
  1. Public Comment: (up to 3 minutes, allotted at discretion of Chair)
  2. Submittal of Speaker’s Cards – Chair
    1. A raised hand icon will be acknowledged by the Chair.
    2. For those attending in person, paper speakers’ cards will be available.
  3. Approval of Minutes of November 8, 2024 Task Force Meeting
    1. Policy Position Discussion 
      1. Plant for longevity and ultimate size
      2. Natural Solutions First, Constraints’ Mitigation Second
  4. Existing Standards Review Presentations (materials/summaries under meeting link)
    1. FDOT 2025 Design Manual Standards/ Details    - Susan Fraser
    2. SSPAC’s proposed revisions to the Land Development Procedures Manual - Bill Burke 
    3. COJ Public Works planting standards - Jonathan Colburn  
    4. DIA planting standards - Susan Fraser         
    5. Approved Tree Planting List Notes - Justin Gearhart   
  1. Resource Library Available
    1. All materials collected to inform the Committee will be found here:
    2. Submittal of materials to resource library will be ongoing
  2. Development of Constrained Planting Environment Standards framework:
    1. James Urban’s 1992 article entitled “Bringing Order to the Technical Dysfunction within the Urban Forest”, Journal of Arboriculture Volume 18, issue 2, March 1992
    2. Application of Approach and Matrix to Jacksonville
  1. Discussion of Vertical Constraints –  Jonathan Colburn
  2. Approved Tree Planting List:
    1. Benefit Expectations
    2. Potential Species Characteristics to be Identified
      1. Planting Zone
      2. Mature Height and Spread
      3. Root Characteristics (invasive?)
      4. Suitability as a street tree adjacent to pedestrians
      5. Suitability as street tree without pedestrian adjacency
      6. Maintenance Score
      7. Wind Resistance
      8. Water requirements Optimum
      9. soil volume (min / optimum)
      10. Lifespan
      11. Crown shape
  3. Urban Forest Management Plan Coordination – Valerie Feinberg
  4. Potential Technical Sub-Committee
  5. Meeting Dates for January - May 2025
  1. Tree Commission Approval of Revised Charge Memo
    1. Amended definition of “Urban’ in Charge Memo
    2. Extension of Task Force to May 31, 2025
  2. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – Photo Gallery