City of Jacksonville


Civil Service Board Meeting

May 27, 2021 2:00 p.m.
Hybrid In-Person/Virtual Meeting

Main Library
303 N. Laura Street
Multipurpose Room
Private access on Main street

Meeting ID:  844 9156 9963
Passcode:  258 080


1. Disciplinary Hearing
Jonathan Yarbrough advs. Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office
Case #21-027-D
Notice is hereby given that the Civil Service Board is conducting and hereby will meet in a hybrid in-person/virtual meeting for Jonathan Yarbrough advs. Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. at the Downtown Public Library, 303 N. Laura Street. The purpose of the hybrid in-person/virtual meeting:
Topic:  Written Reprimand Level II and Demotion
Employer’s Attorney:  Brett Mereness and Gaby Young, OGC
Employee’s Attorney:  Phil Vogelsang, Esq  
2.  Public Comments
3.  Old/New Business