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Lower Your Stress
Lower your Stress
Stress is a part of life. From being stuck in traffic to falling behind on paying bills, too much stress can wreak havoc on our bodies. If you have a chronic illness, even small tasks, such as making dinner or picking up the children from school, can become overwhelming. Research on how stress causes medical illness is still in its early phases. We do know though that stress can cause physical symptoms, and may increase the rate of progression of a disease. Here are some ways to reduce your stress.
Adjust your attitude
According to researchers, you can better cope with stress by focusing on three ideas: challenge, control and commitment.
Try to interpret stressful situations as challenges, not as threats.
Determine what you can control; sometimes the only thing you will be able to control in a stressful situation is the way you respond, but that’s a start.
Make a commitment to be good to yourself by eating healthfully, thinking positively and maintaining relationships with people you care about.
Learn to problem solve
The key, say experts, is to think through difficult situations systematically.
Break problems into smaller pieces to make them less overwhelming
Focus on problems that really need your attention and leave the rest.
Know your limits.
Learn to be flexible.
Be realistic about your choices.
Keeping your troubles inside only adds to stress. Find someone safe to talk to about your worries; it will reduce stress and help you deal with practical problems. If you have a chronic medical condition, participate in a support group.
Write about your stress
Journaling about stressful situations in your life can be therapeutic. There are several studies that support this claim, in fact it was shown that journaling improved immune function and reduced physical symptoms among people with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Find the right place and time that will help you stick with this exercise. Organize your thoughts, ask yourself some self-reflecting questions. The goal is to identify the reason for your feelings, not just to vent and to ultimately work through them.
Regular exercise reduces stress. It helps protect the cardiovascular and immune systems from the consequences of stressful events. Whether it’s swimming, walking or another form of exercise, find time to do the activity on a regular basis.
Take control of your diet and your sleep
It’s hard to do, but if you eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet and get a good night’s sleep, you’ll have more energy to cope with stress. And if you’re tired and cranky, you’ll be more susceptible to stress-related ailments.
Do something for others
Volunteering for a worthy cause can be a great experience. It also can help you forget about your own problems and increase your self-esteem.