City of Jacksonville

Volunteer Services

Are you looking for an opportunity to use your skills and talents, to make new friends or to learn new skills? Join the Jacksonville residents who are stepping forward to make a difference in our community through JaxCorps.

JaxCorps is the City of Jacksonville's volunteer program directed by Employee Services. It is a partnership between residents and city government. JaxCorps provides the residents of Jacksonville with opportunities to be exposed to all aspects of city government. Volunteers work side-by-side with City employees. They enhance services that may not otherwise be provided.

The City of Jacksonville offers diverse volunteer opportunities with flexible schedules including weekends. Volunteers play key roles by providing service to the community, assisting with special events, and in daily operations. This provides an opportunity for residents to become active participants in their local government.

Get involved in City government by volunteering for City agencies such as Victim Services, Animal Care and Protective Services, or in any of our other ongoing opportunities. Volunteers are also needed to support City-sponsored special events like the World of Nations and Florida/Georgia Weekend.

Who can volunteer?
The City of Jacksonville welcomes everyone with a desire to make a difference in their community. This includes retirees, homemakers, high school and college students and families. With weekend and evening volunteer opportunities, even people with busy schedules can find a way to make a difference.

Volunteer Opportunities with the City of Jacksonville:

For more information contact:
Employee Services
117 West Duval Street, Suite 100
Jacksonville, FL 32202
E-mail us:

"We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own."
- Ben Sweetland