Employee Services


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This document provides information relative to your rights and benefits during and after your separation from city employment. Also provided in this document are important contacts which include the HR Business Partner who supports your department. If any of your questions are left unanswered by this document please contact your HR Business Partner.  

General Information 

What are Civil Service Reversion Rights? Do I have them?

Civil Service Reversion Rights are provided by the City Charter, Section 17.06 which states “Any person in the classified civil service who is appointed to a position exempted from the civil service system by this Section shall be entitled to return to the same or a comparable civil service classification, with the same rights and status as held immediately prior to such appointment. Compensation for an employee returning to a civil service classification under this provision will be based upon the rate that he or she would have been receiving had the appointment not been made.”

If you held a Civil Service position prior to your appointment, you will have reversion rights to that position or a similar position.

If I am separated, will I be eligible for the Reemployment Assistance Program (unemployment compensation)?

We cannot advise you concerning eligibility. However, according to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity website, determinations concerning eligibility for benefits can only be made after a claim is filed.   

If I resign, will I be eligible for the Reemployment Assistance Program (unemployment compensation)?

We cannot advise you concerning eligibility. However, according to the website, determinations concerning eligibility for benefits can only be made after a claim is filed as we are required to obtain the facts from you and the employer concerning these and other eligibility issues. It would be wise to include in your resignation notice that you are doing so at the request of your employer.

How do I apply for the Reemployment Assistance Program (unemployment compensation)?  

A claim for Reemployment Assistance Program can be filed online by visiting the Florida Jobs website.  A claim may also be filed by telephone by calling toll free 1-800-204-2418. Choose the language and then option 2. The telephone center is open to process claims Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Florida law requires that the effective date of your claim will be the Sunday prior to the day you file the claim. You may also file by mail. Claim booklets are available at the One Stop Career Centers throughout Florida. The booklet contains the form required to file your claim. You must complete the form and mail it to the address as listed in the booklet or fax it to the number listed in the booklet. The effective date of your claim will be the Sunday prior to the postmark date or the Sunday prior to the date the form is faxed to our agency. A list of the One Stop Career Centers may be found  at the Florida Jobs website.  Computers are also available at the One Stop Career Centers so that you can file your claim using the Internet.

Can I keep my health insurance?

You will have the opportunity to apply for COBRA.

What is COBRA?

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to choose to continue group health benefits provided by their group health plan for limited periods of time under certain circumstances such as voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in the hours worked, transition between jobs, death, divorce, and other life events. Qualified individuals may be required to pay the entire premium for coverage up to 102% of the cost to the plan. TASC is the COBRA administration for the city of Jacksonville.

How much will COBRA cost?

COBRA Rates for Health , Dental and Vision
Below is a table of the FLORIDA BLUE COBRA monthly rates (please note that dental and vision are also available but not noted below):
Plan Definitions HMO High Deductible HMO POS/PPO
Former Employee Only $604.52 $570.26 $692.84
Spouse Only $604.52 $570.26 $692.84
Child Only $604.52 $570.26 $692.84
Former Employee & Spouse $1,244.23 $1,173.03 $1,424.85
Former Employee & Family $1,849.89 $1,745.00 $2,118.46
Former Employee & Child(ren) $1,159.04 $1,092.61 $1,327.17
Spouse & Child(ren) $1,159.04 $1,092.61 $1,327.17
Children (Each) $604.52 $570.26 $692.84

Can I keep my life insurance? What would the cost be? Would the coverage change?

Yes, you have the option to convert your current policy with Standard Life. The cost would be comparable to what you would obtain on your own. And the coverage would be at the amount/level you negotiate with Standard Life. Please note that this action will be solely up to you; the city does not involve itself in the life insurance once employment ends.

What are the basic age and service rules for retirement?  

You can vest your benefits at any time after completing five years of pension service. If you leave city employment after you have vested, but before you are eligible to retire, you can apply for a deferred retirement and start receiving your pension at age 65.
To receive immediate benefits when you stop working for the city, you must meet one of the following provisions:
  • You can retire at any age with 30 years of service
  • You can retire at age 55 with 20 years of service.
  • You can retire at age 65 with five years of service.

You might wish to choose a reduced benefit at early retirement:

  • At age 50 you can retire with 20 years of service with the dollar amount of your benefit reduced by ½% for each month that your age is less than 55.
  • Or, you can retire at any age with 25 years of service and a lower accrual rate.

If I am not eligible for retirement, what happens to my retirement account? Can I take a pay-out or roll it over to another financial institution?  

If you leave city employment with less than five years of service, you will be given the choice of rolling your money over to another qualified plan without any tax implications, or cashing out and paying 20 percent in federal taxes.  If you leave city employment after five years of service, you can leave your contributions in the plan and collect a monthly pension at age 65.

What are the different Leave Plans and what are the highlights?   

Leave Plan “H”: include employees hired on or after 10/1/87. Leave is earned and accrued as follows:

Continuous Year of Service Hours Accrued Per Year
0 thru 4th year 160
5th thru 9th year 184
10th thru 14th year 208
15th thru 19th year 232
20th thru 24th year 256
25 and above 280

The maximum annual leave credits that may be accrued shall be 480 hours.

Upon retirement, vesting under the pension law, or attainment of 10 years of continuous service, the employee shall be paid for all unused, accrued leave on an hour-for-hour basis. (100%)

Upon termination, other than retirement or vesting, if the employee has less than 10 years of continuous service the employee shall be paid for 75% of all unused personal leave on an hour-for-hour basis.

It should also be noted that any leave balance in the employee's Critical Emergency Leave Bank (CELB) will be forfeited; there shall be no compensation for those hours.

Leave Plan “E”: include employees hired on or after 10/1/68 through 9/30/87. Leave is earned and accrued in the same manner as Plan “H” above.

The maximum annual leave credits that may be accrued shall be 840 hours (105 days).

Upon separation from City service due to retirement or resignation, an employee shall be paid for all remaining accrued or unused annual leave credits. 

What happens to my accrued Compensatory Leave Balance?

If you are designated as a Non-Exempt employee, you will be paid for all remaining accrued or unused compensatory leave hours.
If you are designated as an Exempt employee, any remaining compensatory leave hours will be forfeited, there shall be no compensation for those hours. 

Do I still have access to the Employment Assistance Program (EAP)?

Members have thirty (30) days to request an authorization for face-to-face sessions and then have ninety (90) days to complete five (5) sessions.  

Contact Information

Health Advocate (877)240-6863
Employee Benefits – General Information 904-255-5555
Empower 904-255-5569  
Pension Office 904-255-7280
Reemployment Assistance Program (unemployment compensation) 833-FL-APPLY or (833)352-7759

HR Business Partners:
Tracey Bolton, 904-255-5598
Tracy May, 904-255-5599
Tatiana Davis, 904-255-5603
Rhonda Sarli, 904-255-5604
Debbie Long, 904-255-5605