City of Jacksonville

Biometric Health Screenings
Biometric Screenings presented by Florida Blue Better You and the City of Jacksonville.
Complete your Biometric Screening, earn gift cards and wellness points.

Better You Biometric Health Screening is FREE and HELPS you identify your health risks and more.  A biometric health screening is defined as "the measurement of physical characteristics such as:
  • Total Cholesterol
  • HDL (Good Cholesterol)
  • Cholesterol Ratio
  • Blood Sugar / Blood Glucose
  • Blood Pressure
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Nutrition
  • Diet
  • Fitness
The assessment results are personal and confidential.

Biometric screenings help you earn wellness points for the Better You Program that can be converted into gift certificates or gift cards. 

Only Full-time employees are eligible to participate in these screenings and you do not have to be enrolled in health benefits with the city. 

Click here to register for the Biometric Screenings
