The Environmental Protection Board consists of nine members, appointed for four-year terms, who are chosen to represent industry, conservationist organizations, professional engineers, the medical profession, and the general public. This board develops regulations necessary for administration and enforcement of the city's environmental laws. It conducts investigations of complaints, takes testimony in matters under its jurisdiction and provides a hearing platform for environmental matters within the city. The EPB also conducts public outreach programs for schools, teachers, civic and private organizations.
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Public Records Requests
Periodically requests are made for Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments or other items of record from activities of the Environmental Quality Division. To ensure that records are provided in the most efficient manner possible, all requests are processed thorugh the City's Public Records Request Center.
Click here to access the site..
Citizen Concerns and Complaints
Citizen issues are handled by staff within the Environmental Quality Division. If you have an issue or want to report a pollution problem, there are two options available to you:
- Call 630-CITY (2489). You have the ability to report a problem anoumously, however with some concerns, such as noise or odors, staff may need to have a name associated with the address.
- Initiate a complaint online at You may enter your concerns 24 hours a day. This is a good option as it lets the staff know exactly when the issue becomes a concern. This is important in some cases such as odor concerns.
In all cases, your concern will be routed to staff within the appropriate area of the Environmental Quality Division.