City of Jacksonville

Do's and Don'ts of Disabled Parking

DO'S… Correct use of a Disabled parking permit:

A corectly parked van
  1. Hang permit on rear-view mirror so expiration date can be seen.
  2. Have permit registration with you at all times.
  3. Make sure permit is not expired.
  4. Park properly in disabled space.
  5. Remove permit before driving.
  6. Replace permit immediately if you lose it.
  7. Return permit to DMV if person permitted has passed away.
  8. Always use your own permit only.

DON'TS… Incorrect use/abuse of a disabled parking permit:

  1. An incorrectly parked vehicleDon't use someone else's permit, including relatives.
  2.  Don't let anyone else use your permit, including relatives.
  3. Don't park in Access Aisle (striped area). Fine for parking in Access Aisle is $250, even with a permit.
  4. Don't drive with permit on rear-view mirror.
  5. Don't use expired permit.
  6. Don't put permit on dash with expiration date covered up.
*Permits are registered to one permit per name, not vehicle.

To view the Do's and Don'ts brochure download the Do's and Don'ts.

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