City of Jacksonville


Councilwoman Glorious Johnson Appointed to Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committee

September 03, 2008

Jacksonville City Council Member Glorious Johnson (At-Large, Group 5) was recently appointed by the President of the Florida League of Cities to serve on the League's Urban Administration Legislative Policy Committee. The committee's task is to determine the League of Cities' legislative lobbying priorities for the 2009 Florida legislative session.

In announcing the appointment to the committee, League of Cities President Carmine Priore (Vice Mayor of the Village of Wellington) said 'The ultimate success of the League's legislative efforts is proportional to the level of involvement of the membership in presenting and lobbying the League's priorities to the Legislature. The officers and Board of Directors of the League appreciate your willingness to serve...'

Councilwoman Johnson is honored by the appointment and looks forward to taking an active part in the committee's proceedings. She noted that the City of Jacksonville is profoundly impacted by the actions of the Florida Legislature, and feels that it is crucial for Florida's municipalities to coordinate and cooperate in forcefully advocating for the unique needs and priorities of their citizens while the legislature is in session in order to protect the best interests of local governments and their constituents.

The first meeting of the Urban Administration Legislative Policy Committee will be on Friday, September 12th at the Orlando World Center Marriott.