City of Jacksonville


City Council Regular Order of Business

July 25, 2007

In accordance with Ordinance 2007-557-E, the business of the Council, unless altered by the discretion of the Council President, will be taken up in the following order at each regular meeting of the City Council:

1. Call to order

2. Invocation and pledge of allegiance

3. Roll call of the Council Members

4. Approval of the minutes of previous meetings

5. Communications from the Mayor

6. Other miscellaneous communications and

7. Quasi-Judicial actions

8. Consent agenda

9. Action upon resolutions on third reading

10. Action upon ordinances on third reading

11. Action upon resolutions on second reading

12. Action upon ordinances on second reading

13. Action on resolutions, emergency action

14. Action on ordinances, emergency action

15. Introduction of new resolutions

16. Introduction of new ordinances

17. Unfinished business

18. Addition of addendum to agenda

19. Comments from the public

20. Scheduled public hearings

21. New business

22. Adjournment

A copy of the Council Agenda may be obtained, on the Friday before a meeting, from the Legislative Services Division, in City Hall (Suite 430) located at 117 West Duval Street, or online at

Please contact Legislative Services at (904) 630-1404 for additional information.