City of Jacksonville


MEDIA RELEASE Councilman Reggie Gaffney, Ms. Sharon Coon and the Friends of Brentwood Public Library, Inc., Announces James Weldon Johnson Young Writers Festival

June 07, 2022
Jacksonville, FL - Councilman Reggie Gaffney, Ms. Sharon Coon and the Friends of Brentwood Public Library, Inc., will hold a press conference at 1:00PM on June 8th, 2022, at the Jacksonville Public Library located at 303 N. Laura Street to announce the James Weldon Johnson Young Writers Festival Where Students Can Win Up To $6,400 in Cash and Scholarships and Show Off Their Poetry/Playwriting Skills. Registration is happening now.

“Ms. Coon and her team is an exemplary example of supporting education, especially our youth’s education. Education is an important tool we all should find easily assessable through a variety of ways. And we want to thank and congratulate each student who participates in this lifelong learning opportunity.” said Gaffney.

To learn more about this festival please visit

To register please visit:

Those with additional questions should reach out to Roshanda Shine, ECA for District 7 at (904) 255-5207 or electronic mail at