NOTICE is hereby given that the KingSoutel Crossing Community Redevelopment Agency Board will meet Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., in City Council Chambers, City Hall at St. James located at 117 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. The KingSoutel Crossing CRA Board will consider approval of the May 14, 2024, Meeting Minutes, Reallocation of Funding from the US 1 Water Main Project, year-end allocation of funds in Unallocated Plan Authorized Expenditures. The Agency Board may consider other matters that come before them.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Renew Arlington Community Redevelopment Agency Board will meet Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., in City Council Chambers, City Hall at St. James located at 117 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. The Renew Arlington CRA Board will consider approval of the May 14, 2024, Meeting Minutes, Consideration to revise to the MCGP Guidelines to Increase the minimum standard for fencing and signage, Amendment for College Park TID Grant and the MCGP Project and year-end allocation of funds in Unallocated Plan Authorized Expenditures. The Agency Board may consider other matters that come before them.
Notice is hereby given that the Special Committee on the Future of Downtown will meet on Monday, July 22, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, located at 117 West Duval Street, 1st floor, City Hall - St. James Building. The purpose of this meeting will be to continue the discussion on questions/matters as noted in the President Salem April 29, 2024, Special Committee Charge Memorandum.
NW Quadrant of the Intersection Old Middleburg Rd and Country Mill Lane (Parking available on the south side of Old Middleburg Rd). Jacksonville, FL 32244 Notice |