City of Jacksonville


City Council Future of JEA Workshop

May 27, 2020 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Online Meeting
No Physical Location
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 949 3795 8399
Password: 052150 

Contact: Cheryl L. Brown, Director/Council Secretary, at (904) 255-5133
Topics: A continuation of the review of the proposed changes to Article 21 of the City’s charter which established the JEA, giving it authority to own, manage and operate the City’s utilities system. 
Our last meeting was held on Monday, May 11, 2020, where we used two documents to begin to address the many offerings proposed by a broad array of stakeholders.  Specifically, the documents, crafted by Mses. Hodges and Sidman (Office of General Counsel), a redlined version of Article 21 with the proposed changes and a summary table version that outlined the proposed substantive changes to the Article as compared to the existing language, as well justification for the changes, additions and/or deletions being offered.  

Below is the agenda for Wednesday’s meeting.  The accompanying updated summary table version highlights the areas of concern reviewed and subsequently agreed upon as acceptable changes, additions and/or deletions to the Article as well as new areas of concern that were suggested by Council members during the last meeting.  You will note that we will be getting an update on a couple of items that were taken up last time but not fully addressed. In the interim Ms. Hodges and others have been doing further due diligence and will be updating us as to their progress.  I particularly appreciate CM Ferraro’s attention to the procurement process. I look forward to his comments.    

May 27th Agenda
1) Welcome (Chairman Boylan)
2) Update on procurement process changes (CM Ferraro) – 20 mins
3) Update on employment matter changes (CM Salem) – 5 mins
  • Deferred compensation plans
4) Update on ethics changes (post-member restrictions/contracts) (Hodges) – 10 mins
5) Two specific topics not addressed at the last meeting: - 45 mins
  • Prohibited Transactions (CM DeFoor/Brooks/Council Auditors) – 20 mins
  • Review & Recommended Enhancements to 21.04 (v) (Hodges) – 10 mins
  • Expansion (McElroy) – 25 mins
    • Ancillary services
    • Residential/commercial solar energy services
    • Fiber optics/telecommunications services
    • LNG/CNG opportunities
    • Exchange platforms 
6) Other miscellaneous matters from last meeting  (Hodges) – 15 minutes
7) Status of Article 21 Omnibus Refinement Bill draft/timeline  (Sidman) -10 min
8) Open discussion/closing comments 
Assuming we garner consensus regarding these remaining items I am hopeful that we will be in a position for the OGC to complete a draft of what I would refer to as the Article 21 Omnibus Refinement Bill. Doing so will keep us on track to have the legislation introduced during the concluding weeks of CP Wilson’s term.