If you have any questions, please contact Paula Shoup, Legislative Assistant at 630-1404.
The location and topic of this meeting have been amended.
Notice is hereby given that the Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers located on the 1st Floor of the St. James Building, 117 W. Duval St., to discuss an economic incentives package regarding Project Cardinal, recently identified as Resolution 2014-243.
2014-243 RESO Auth an Economic Dev Agreemt with Centene Management Co., LLC for Expansion of its Operations; Recommend Apv by Fla Dept of Economic Opportunity as a QTI Business; Evidence City's Local Support of $75,000 with State Match of $300,000 for Tota l of $375,000 for 125 Jobs; Designate Oversight by OED; Timeline for Execution of Agreemt by the Company. (Sawyer) (Req of Mayor)
Please mark your calendar accordingly. All interested parties are invited to attend.