Notice is hereby given that Council Member Garrett Dennis will hold meetings to discuss Bill 2019-330 regarding decriminalizing marijuana in the amount of less than 20 grams. 2019-330 ORD-MC Creating New Pt 1 (Small Quantity Marijuana Possession), Chapt 606 (Drugs), Ord Code, to Create a Civil Citation Prog for possession of less than 20 grams of Marijuana or Marijuana Drug Paraphernalia in alternative to Criminal Prosecution. (Johnston) (Introduced by CM Dennis) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/28/19
Notice is hereby given that Council Member Brenda Priestly Jackson will meet with Council President Scott Wilson on Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. in Conference Room A located at 117 West Duval Street, Suite 425, City Hall St. James Building. The meeting is to discuss ORD 2019-380, which calls for a special election to hold a referendum on November 5, 2019 to approve the School Board’s levy of a half-cent School Capital Outlay Sales Surtax.
Notice is hereby given that Council Member Aaron L. Bowman and Council President Scott Wilson will hold a noticed meeting on Thursday, August 1, 2019, 9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. at City Hall, 117 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. The meeting will be on the fourth floor, suite 425, conference room B. The purpose of the meeting is to briefly provide an update on the City Council Strategic Plan and the Safety and Crime Reduction Commission moving into the 2019-2020 City Council year.