City of Jacksonville


National Mosquito Control Awareness Week

June 25, 2018
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week (June 24 – 30) is an observation dedicated to educating the general public about the significance of mosquitoes in their daily lives and the important services provided by mosquito control workers throughout the United States.

Celebrate Independence Day with July 4th Fireworks

June 22, 2018
View Fireworks from Downtown Riverfront

Gov. Scott: Jacksonville Created More Than 22,000 New Jobs Over the Year

June 15, 2018
Today, Governor Rick Scott announced that the Jacksonville area added 22,400 new private-sector jobs in the past year, creating the third-highest number of jobs among all Florida metro areas. Jacksonville’s unemployment rate was a low 3.1 percent in May, down 0.7 percentage point from a year ago. Statewide, Florida businesses created 19,000 new jobs in May bringing the total number of new private-sector jobs created in Florida to more than 1.5 million since December 2010.

Gov. Scott: Jacksonville Created More Than 22,000 New Jobs Over the Year

June 15, 2018
Today, Governor Rick Scott announced that the Jacksonville area added 22,400 new private-sector jobs in the past year, creating the third-highest number of jobs among all Florida metro areas. Jacksonville’s unemployment rate was a low 3.1 percent in May, down 0.7 percentage point from a year ago. Statewide, Florida businesses created 19,000 new jobs in May bringing the total number of new private-sector jobs created in Florida to more than 1.5 million since December 2010.

2018 Jacksonville Vetrepreneur Summit

June 14, 2018
The City of Jacksonville Military and Veterans Departments in collaboration with Florida State College at Jacksonville presents the 2018 Jacksonville Vetreprenuer Summit.

Jazz Ambassadors to Perform Free Concert at Memorial Park

June 12, 2018
Join the Jazz Ambassadors at Memorial Park on Saturday, June 30th to hear the military's finest practitioners of jazz and swing.

Volunteers Needed for July 5th Beaches Cleanup

June 08, 2018
The City of Jacksonville and Keep Jacksonville Beautiful will partner with the Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol for the annual July 5th Beaches Cleanup following the Independence Day holiday.

City of Jacksonville Earns National Award for Proficiency of Budget Presentation

June 08, 2018
The City of Jacksonville continues to earn recognition for its strong fiscal presentation and management by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The GFOA has awarded the City with a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 2017 fiscal year, for the commitment of the governing body and staff in meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.

2018 Lien Amnesty Program

May 31, 2018
The City of Jacksonville has authorized an amnesty program to provide property owners relief on some outstanding administrative fines or nuisance/demolition liens.
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