City of Jacksonville

Tangible Personal Property

Tangible Personal Property Brochure


Tangible Personal Property is all property, other than real estate, that is used in a business for income-producing purposes. 
Furniture, tools, machinery, leased equipment and office supplies, as well as items in rental properties such as furniture and appliances, are all tangible personal property.

Florida law requires that these items annually be reported to and assessed by the Property Appraiser's Office. Find out more by reading Frequently Asked Questions relating to Tangible Personal Property.

View this presentation to learn more about reporting Tangible Personal Property in Duval County, Florida.

TPP Presentation

Tangible Personal Property Database Search

General Information


All downloads require Adobe Reader.

Requests for worth tables and/or economic life guides on prior years may be requested by emailing

Filing Extension Requests - PLEASE READ.

For the 2025 tax year, requests for a 30 day filing extension must be received, in writing, prior to the April 1st filing deadline.  This means that the written request must be in the office by close of business (5:30 PM) on Monday, March 31st .

Please include the following information with the request:

  1. Business Name
  2. Location Address
  3. TPP Account Number
  4. Reason for the extension request

If you cannot locate the TPP Number for your extension request, search the Tangible Personal Property Database.

You may send your request via mail, fax, or email; however, email is preferred. Additionally, if you have multiple accounts for which you are requesting an extension, please attach an Excel file with the list of account numbers, name, and location.

Duval County Property Appraisers Office
Attn: Tangible Personal Property Division
231 East Forsyth St, Room 330
Jacksonville, Fl 32202

FAX 904-255-7992
E-mail (for extension requests only)

Note: Due to the volume of extension requests please use your certified mail receipt, registered mail receipt, fax transmission report, or received email confirmation as evidence of request.

Tangible Personal Property Department: 904-255-5903

New for 2025     Close
Email all extension requests to
All other requests and emailed returns should still be sent to
(For more details or instructions on sending extension requests, scroll to the bottom of this page.)