City of Jacksonville


Property Tax Reform

In Nov 2018 voters approved the following amendment impacting property taxes:

Florida Amendment 2, the Permanent Cap on Nonhomestead Parcel Assessment Increases Amendment

Amendment 2  now makes permanent the cap of 10 percent on annual nonhomestead parcel assessment increases which was set to expire on January 1, 2019. The cap does not apply to school district taxes. Voters approved the cap in 2008, when 64 percent voted to pass Amendment 1.[2]

Properties considered nonhomestead parcels include nonhomestead residential properties, such as second homes and rental apartments, and nonresidential property, such as commercial property and vacant land.

For more information regarding the Amendments above, contact the Customer Service/Exemptions Division at (904) 255-5900.

In November 2020 voters approved the following amendments impacting property taxes:

1) Limitations on Homestead Property Tax Assessments increased the portability period to transfer accrued benefit amendment to the State Constitution, effective January 1, 2021, to increase from 2 years to 3 years, the period of time during which accrued Save-Our-Homes benefits may be transferred from a prior homestead to a new homestead.

2) Ad Valorem Tax Discount for spouses of certain deceased veterans who had permanent, combat-related disabilities. Provides that the homestead property tax discount for certain veterans with permanent combat-related disabilities carries over to such veteran's surviving spouse who holds legal or beneficial title to, and who permanently resides on, the homestead property, until he or she remarries or sells or otherwise disposes of the property. The discount may be transferred to a new homestead property of the surviving spouse under certain conditions. The amendment takes effect January 1, 2021.