Parks Task Force
Drafting Subcommittee
Minutes of November 22, 2004 Meeting
I. Date, Time, Place, Attendees
A. Date, Time, Place of Meeting
Date of Meeting: November 22, 2004
Place: Mayor's Office, Small Conference Room
Time: 6:15 - 6:30 p.m.
B. Attendees
Rufus Pennington
Lanny Russell
Derek Rowan
Susie Wiles
Mark Middlebrook
Elizabeth Kohler
II. The Meeting
The Drafting sub-committee met to discuss the report that would be the final product of the Commission's findings. The group recognized that the recommendations would not be ready by the end of December 2004 and agreed to set a new time frame, with the final report ready in the third week of January 2005. Wiles and Middlebrook said they would meet to work on due dates for drafts, working backwards from the third week in January, to ensure sufficient time for reviewing, editing, printing, etc.
Chairman Pennington indicated that the length of the report should be ten to fifteen pages, with appendices. Commissioner Russell said that his sub-committee report would be organized to cover objectives, summary of the current situation, and recommendations. The group agreed that each section should have parallel structure and format. Middlebrook suggested summarizing the recommendations in bullet point format in the front of the report. Commissioner Russell suggested that someone outside of the Task Force review the document to ensure all terms and concepts are clear to all and that the document is uplifting in nature.
The meeting was adjourned.