City of Jacksonville


Jacksonville City Council Officers Installed for 2007-08

June 29, 2007

The Jacksonville City Council installed its new officers for the 2007-08 Council year in a ceremony at the Jacoby Symphony Hall of the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday evening, June 28, 2007. Following the swearing-in of the full City Council (which includes 10 new members and 9 returning members) for its new term, new Council President Daniel Davis and Vice-President Ronnie Fussell took their oaths of office for the leadership positions with their families at their sides. President Davis presented outgoing President Michael Corrigan with a ceremonial gavel and the gift of a cuckoo clock in appreciation for his outstanding work as President for the past year.

In brief remarks following the oaths, both incoming officers thanked their families and colleagues for their support and encouragement and pledged to work cooperatively with the Council to attain success in what is shaping up to be a potentially difficult budget year. President Davis spoke about the need to build public-private partnerships to help overcome the loss of tax revenue to provide vital public services, and cited the need to tackle the community’s infant mortality problem as one of his areas of primary emphasis during his presidency.

Three constitutional officers - Property Appraiser Jim Overton, Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland, and Sheriff John Rutherford - also took their oaths of office for their second terms during the ceremony.

Contact: Cheryl Brown, Director/Council Secretary, at (904) 630-1452.